Sundry Debtor & Creditor Ledger
Introduction In the ledger there are many personal accounts, some of them may show debit balances, some others may show credit balances. If all the names are to be written in the trial balance it will be unduly long. Therefore, a list of names with the debit balances is prepared. This list is known as ‘Sundry Debtors’ Note: Sundry means ‘many’ Follow the below steps to create a ledger easily. 1. From Gateway of Tally, select Accounts Info. 2. Then select Ledgers 3. Under Single Ledger, select Create 4. Create ledger as I have explained below for Sundry Debtor. I am creating a ledger named Jugal under the head Sundry Debtors as shown in the picture: Sundry Creditor Ledger Create a Sundry Creditor Ledger in the same way as you’ve created the Sundry Debtors Ledger. The name of the Sundry Creditor would be Kartik. So, create a ledger named Kartik under the head Sundry Creditors as shown in the picture: You can also see the video rega...