Units of Measures
Introduction Almost every business has stocks and stocks have units. For example, you are in a business of Furniture and Household items. Your stock items would be table, chair, sofa etc. and the unit of measure will be numbers. You may say I have a stock of 25 tables and 25 is a number. In the same way, you may have rice, sugar, tea or any other eatable items. In this case, you will say I have a stock of 30 KG of rice today and the unit of measure is KG. In Tally , you can create different units of measure with whatever name you want. So, if your business is somewhat different then don’t worry at all. You can do all of that in Tally. Note: · You need to create Units of Measure for creating Stock Items in Tally. Without this you are not able to enter the quantity and rate in Tally. · You cannot change the unit of stock item once you have created entries. You have to delete all the entries to change the unit. To create a unit of measure in Tal...